All content on a Drupal website is stored and treated as Nodes. A node is any piece of individual content which is typically, but not necessarily, displayed as a webpage on your site. This includes pages, events, articles, media, documents, contacts, etc.

The information associated with a node will vary depending on its content type. 


What are Content Types?

Content types define the options available for nodes of that given type. For example, is date information needed, or which components are supported? Content types facilitate a simple form-like interface for entering content, from text to images to videos. Each content type has pre-defined fields, and the information will be styled for you.    

Content types can vary in flexibility. Some are more structured and suited for content with similar formats, like events and articles. Others are more adaptable, allowing you to create many webpage layouts. Some content types will collect additional information that may only be used in specific dynamic list displays or hidden metadata used by search engines or social media.

Our site's most commonly used content types are pages, articles, and events.

Learn about all the different content types →

How Do I Work with a Content Type?

Although we offer multiple content types, we try to maintain consistency across them where possible. Many of them share fields and have the same general structure.

Learn about the common fields used across content types and what they do →

Optional Reading: Do You Have Any Examples of Specific Content Types?

If you'd like to jump right into a specific walkthrough for our most used content types, check out the links below:

Optional Reading: Additional Information

If interested, we recommend taking a look at the following articles to learn more about:

← 2. Drupal Interface
4. Components →